Saturday, December 31, 2011

Weekly Web Scrapping

Welcome to the first Weekly Web Scrapping post.  I hope you are as excited as I am.  I am trying this out on a Saturday so that the image is available for New Year's, but do not know if this will be the final day of the week for these posts.    For the first Web Scrapping Post, I have made a background image.  This is called "Bubbles" and has six colored dots on a yellow background.  I thought this would be a fun background for a New Year's album page.

Here is a screen shot of the background on a web page.
Screen Shot
Here is the minimum code needed to make this background work.  This just puts the background on your page, no headings or images. **

<body style="background-image:url(Bubbles.bmp);


**Code assumes you name the image Bubbles.bmp and place it in the same folder as the album page**

Friday, December 23, 2011

Future of Fun Time Scrapping

I hope you have enjoyed Fun Time thus far.  With the current year coming to an end and the new year coming quickly, I have decided I want to take a new approach with this blog.  Here are a few of the upcoming changes you can look forward to:

  • A New Domain Name: will soon be easier to remember as 
  • Once a (hopefully) Weekly Web Scrapping: With the new domain name, I hope to be able to provide with web scrapping utilities for download also.  This way you can make online albums with your photos by downloading background images or online "die cuts".  The first example is below, called stripes. 
    • Stripes: Stripes is a background that you can add to your online album page as a background image. You would place this image into your album page folder and enter the body code below.  This will give you a red and green striped background. The code to do this is: 
                                     <body style="background-image:url(stripes.bmp);
  • Santa's Present: I am waiting for Santa to bring me a new craft room (yay)  If he is successful I will have a new display for projects.
I hope you are as excited for the future changes as I am!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Matching Game Featured on Instructables

I'm so excited to get to post this!! My matching Game was featured on the instructables homepage and the Technology page!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Matching Station

This is a matching station that I made today.  The inside of the box has different circuits that when the child matches the correct upper and lower case letter, the circuit completes and the LED lights up.  The cards can be customized according to needs, such as upper and lower case letters, states vs. capitols, or a number digit vs. a card with drawings of that many of an item.  The You Tube link below shows the game in action and the Instructables shows how to make your own.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Paper Beads

I found an instructable on paper beads and tried it on my own.  I have to say, I just can't stop now there so cute, so I decided to post them for all to see.  If you like the beads but don't have the time to do this on your own, the person who made the instructable said he sells them for women in Uganda.
Instructable Link:

Paper Beads Made from a Christmas Gift Magazine

Monday, December 5, 2011

Exporting Cricut Craft Room to Gypsy

Today I spent an hour trying to find information about how to connect the Cricut Craft Room to my Gypsy.  I didn't have a lot of luck finding the information in one place, so I needed to use a combination of websites, you tube videos, and forums to figure it out.  I left some starred information which can be found at the bottom of the post.

In order to get your Cricut Craft Room (CCR) projects to your Gypsy you would need to do the following (I use a MAC don't know if PC is different):

First things first, find the USB plug for the Gypsy.  If you do not have the one that came with this, it is a micros USB which is the same as some cameras, phones, or in my case, PS3 controllers.

Then on the computer you need the following software:
Cricut Sync
Cricut Craft Room (the non-web version)

To send a file from the MAC to the Gypsy:
You would then export your file from the  CCR.  To do this go to
Open > Click on the Project Name > Export > Choose Gypsy > then Begin * > It will download the file and ask you to save, choose Save > Browse to where to save the project > Name the project**> click Save
Then plug in your Gypsy and open Cricut Sync, and choose whether to update now or not. >
When Digital Content Rights have been updated comes up choose Ok.  This then opens to Gypsy Projects.  Choose Add Projects > Browse and Select the projects to add*** > Once this is done you will see the file name on the list of Gypsy projects and can disconnect your project if you are done designing.

To send a file from the Gypsy to the MAC
This is much easier.  It starts off the same:
You would just plug in the Gypsy, open Cricut Sync, and choose whether or not to update now.> When Digital Content Rights have been updated comes up choose Ok.  This then opens to Gypsy Projects. > Then click on the project name (or names by using shift or control click) and drag them to the folder you wish to add them to on your computer.
That's it.  If you want to then add the project to Cricut Craft Room you would also:
Open the CCR Software > Chose Import > Browse to the project name > Chose Ok
That's it for this as well.  Much easier to go from the Gypsy to the MAC.

*If you get an error that some features may not be supported yet, choose Ok.  This is due to the Gypsy not yet being able to use the imagine feature to print.
**Whatever is before the .gypsy is what will show on the Gypsy list
***If the project is already there it will give an error trying to add the project.  If you updated a previous cut and are re-saving it now, you would need to delete it off the Gypsy or choose Remove Project first.